FAQs Page

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Product & Prices

Are all products on Abiramy VTA Export original and genuine?
Yes, we are committed to offering our customers only 100% genuine and original products. We also take all necessary actions to ensure this: any seller found to be selling non-genuine prodcts is immediately delisted from Abiramy VTA.

Please send us an email on support@email.lk if you think a product listed on our website does not fulfill these standards

Are all products on Abiramy VTA Export new and unused?
Yes, we are committed to offering our customers only 100% genuine and original products. We also take all necessary actions to ensure this: any seller found to be selling non-genuine prodcts is immediately delisted from Abiramy VTA Export.

Please send us an email on info@abiramyvtaexport.com if you think a product listed on our website does not fulfill these standards

Where can I find more detailed information about a product?
Information regarding your product are described in the ‘Key Features’ section at the top of the product page. More detailed information can be found on the ‘Description’ and ‘Specifications’ tabs on the product pages.
Are there any hidden costs or charges if I order from Abiramy VTA Export?
There are no hidden costs or charges when you order from Abiramy VTA Export. All costs are 100% visible at the end of the checkout process.
Are the prices on Abiramy VTA Export negotiable?
Prices on Abiramy VTA Export are not negotiable. Abiramy VTA Export has thousands of brands which offer you the best prices and deals.
Why do I see different prices for the same product?
Some of our products are offered by different brands. That allows you to chose your prefered offer.
How do I know if a product comes with warranty?
If a warranty is offered on a product, the warranty period will be displayed on the product page, to the right of the product image.

If a product is sold by multiple vendors, the warranty period offered by each vendor will be displayed to the right of Brand name, in the ‘more information’ box below the product image.

I lost my warranty card. How can I claim warranty?
Even if you’ve lost your warranty card, you can still claim warranty by presenting yourAbiramy VTA Export invoice to any authorized service center.
Where should I go for my warranty claim?
Please refer to the manufacturer (or service center) details on the warranty card included with your product (if applicable).

Please send us an email on info@abiramyvtaexport.com


Do I need an account to shop on Abiramy VTA Export?
Having a Abiramy VTA Export account helps us to make your shopping experience fast, secure and convenient.
How can I track my order?
We will send you regular updates about the status of your order via emails and SMS. After your order has left our warehouse and is on its way to you, you can also track its status by calling us via our customer support service at 011-000-0000. You can also track its status by entering your tracking number here.
How quickly can I get my order?
We do our best to get your orders delivered by the date listed on the product page. You can check the delivery status in the order summary when you check out!
Why are my items shipped separately?
Items sourced from different brands are often shipped separately to make sure that there is no delay in fulfillment of your order. Rest assured that you will get all your items within the delivery period mentioned on the product pages of those items.
What are the shipping charges?
Shipping charges are the costs undertaken by Abiramy VTA Export and our logistics partners to bring your ordered item to your doorstep. Shipping charges are calculated based on your location and the weight of the product(s) in you order.
How do I cancel my order?
If your order is not yet on its way to you, you can simply cancel your order by getting in touch with our Customer Support Team. You can reach our team under info@abiramyvtaexport.com or you can call us at +9411000000 (9am – 9pm on Monday – Friday, except for on mercantile holidays).
If your order is already on its way to you or if you have already received your order, you may be able to return your product (See our Return policy for detailed information).
My order is delayed. What should I do?
We are sorry that your order is delayed. If the status has not changed in a while, please get in touch with our Customer Support Team. You can reach our team at info@abiramyvtaexport.com or you can call us at +940000000 (9am – 9pm every day, except for on mercantile holidays).
Why am I having trouble placing products in the cart?
If you are having trouble placing products in your cart, please make sure that you have made all relevant size and color selections. If you still have problems, this may mean that the item you are trying to buy is sold out. Please get in touch with our Customer Support Team. You can reach our team under info@abiramyvtaexport.com can call us at +9411000000 (9am – 9pm every day, except for on mercantile holidays)
I haven't received the invoice for my order.
A hard copy of the invoice should always be sent along with your order. If you have not received an invoice, please get in touch with us and we will send you a copy of your invoice. You can reach our team under info@abiramyvtaexport.com or you can call us at +94117575600 (9am – 9pm every day, except for on mercantile holidays).
My payment was processed successfully but I didn't get any order confirmation. What should I do?
Please get in touch with us so we can look into the matter. You can reach our customer care team under info@abiramyvtaexport.comor you can call us at +940000000 (9am – 9pm every day, except for on mercantile holidays).


Do I need to pre-pay for my product when I order it?
Pre-payment is 100% safe and easy. However,Abiramy VTA Export also offers you the possibility to pay through Cash On Delivery (COD). With COD, you can pay in cash to the delivery agent upon receipt of your order.


Some Items may not be available for COD
Gift cards or vouchers cannot be used to make COD payments

Are there any hidden charges when I make a purchase on Abiramy VTA Export?
There are no hidden charges when you make a purchase on Abiramy VTA Export. The order amount is inclusive of all taxes and shipping fees. In case your order is delivered partially you will be required to pay only for the item that has been delivered to you. The order amount will be mentioned on the parcel and the invoice. Please note that we will never ask you to pay extra cash to the rider.

Note: For International Payment via Credit / Debit card you may be charged a cross border fee by your issuing bank as our payment processor is based outside Sri Lanka. For information on the exact charges please contact your issuing bank.

Is it safe to pay with credit / debit card?
Fraud detection and prevention are very important to us. We take all steps to ensure that transactions are genuine and that our customers’ details are completely secure.
Are there any hidden costs or charges if I order from Abiramy VTA Export?
There are no hidden costs or charges when you order from Abiramy VTA Export. All costs are 100% visible at the end of the checkout process.
Can I pay using the Abiramy VTA Export app or the Abiramy VTA Export mobile website?
The Abiramy VTA Export mobile app and mobile website offer all the payment options that the Abiramy VTA Export website version offers. You can pay without any worries with the preferred option of your choice.
How do I use a giftcard or a voucher?
It’s simple! When you get to the payment stage while checking out simply enter the gift card code in the voucher box.
Does Abiramy VTA Export offer installment plans?
Contact Support Team : info@abiramyvtaexport.com
What is 3D Secure password?
The 3D Secure password is implemented by VISA and MasterCard in partnership with card issuing banks under the “”Verified by VISA”” and “”Mastercard SecureCode”” services.

3D secure password is an additional one-time password, that you’ll be asked to enter on the payments page. This password is known only to you, and is sent to you via email or text.

Please send us an email on support@email.lk

Returns & Refunds

Create your return request
Call 011-000-0000 to create your return request
returns form ?
Fill in the returns form you received with your order
Original undamaged manufacturer's packaging
Pack your Abiramy VTA Export parcel securely, with the product in the original undamaged manufacturer’s packaging as delivered to you
Return label ?
Attach the return label that you received with your order to the top of the parcel (ensure that delivery label is covered).
What are the shipping charges?
Shipping charges are the costs undertaken by Abiramy VTA Export and our logistics partners to bring your ordered item to your doorstep. Shipping charges are calculated based on your location and the weight of the product(s) in you order.


Does Abiramy VTA Export deliver across all of World Wide?
Abiramy VTA Export delivers world wide
How long does it take to receive my product?
We do our best to get your orders delivered by the date listed on the product page. You can check the delivery status in the order summary when you check out!
How can I track my order?
We will send you regular updates about the status of your order via emails and SMS. You can also check the status of your order by clicking your account > track order, by entering your order ID.
Can I change my shipping address after I have placed my order?
Yes You can change your address before the order has been verified.
I found the package open and the product seal broken on delivery. What should I do?
You should refuse to accept an open package. If you do accept such a package by mistake or find out it has been tampered with, please get in touch with us immediately.
I missed my delivery. What happens now?
We’ll attempt to deliver your order again the next working day. We will try to deliver a total of 3 times before cancelling your order.
What are the shipping charges?
Delivery charges are the costs undertaken by Abiramy VTA Export and our logistics partners to bring your ordered item to your doorstep.
My parcel has been reported missing. What now?
No need to worry. We will help you replace your order at no extra cost.

Returns & Refunds

Create your return request
Call 011-000-0000 to create your return request
returns form ?
Fill in the returns form you received with your order
Original undamaged manufacturer's packaging
Pack your Abiramy VTA Export parcel securely, with the product in the original undamaged manufacturer’s packaging as delivered to you
Return label ?
Attach the return label that you received with your order to the top of the parcel (ensure that delivery label is covered).
What are the shipping charges?
Shipping charges are the costs undertaken by Abiramy VTA Export and our logistics partners to bring your ordered item to your doorstep. Shipping charges are calculated based on your location and the weight of the product(s) in you order.

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100% PURCHASE PROTECTION One-stop shopping destination with authentic products, secure payment methods and free & easy returns. Dismiss